• COMPUTERISED AUTOREFRACTION – An auto-refractor or optometer is an instrument that helps in the automated assessment of refraction. An auto-refractor or optometer is an instrument that helps in the automated assessment of refraction.

  • REFRACTION – Eye refraction is the measurement of the required power for a person’s eyeglasses or contact lenses. This is calculated by means of a refraction test (also known as a vision test),typically conducted as part of a standard eye examination. A refraction test gives a doctor the precise measurement for a prescription that a patrient will need for their glasses or contact lenses.
  • TONOMETRY – Tonometry is a diagnostic test that measures the pressure inside your eye, which is called intraocular pressure (IOP). This measurement can help your doctor determine whether or not you may be at risk of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can eventually lead to vision loss if untreated. In most cases of glaucoma, the fluid that normally bathes and nourishes the eye drains too slowly, causing pressure to build up. Without treatment, the increased pressure can eventually harm your optic nerve and cause vision loss.

  • SLITLAMP EXAMINATON – Slit lamp examination is a very important standard diagnostic procedure, also known as biomicroscopy. A slit lamp combines a microscope with very bright light allowing the doctor to look into the eye easily. The ophthalmologist can use this instrument to inspect the eye in detail as well as determine if there are any abnormalities in the eye.

  • CONTACT LENSES – A contact lens is a thin, curved lens placed on the film of tears that covers the surface of your eye. The lens itself is naturally clear, but is often given the slightest tinge of color to make them easier for wearers to handle.

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H1-157, Harmu Housing Colony, Kadru More,
Near Sahjanand Chowk, Opp. Hanuman Madir
and Central Bank of India, Vasant Vihar,
 Harmu, Ranchi

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